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returntothepit >> discuss >> I'm very unpopular here so I have decided that this will be my last post win. by Hoser on Nov 8,2008 5:51pm
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toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 5:51pm
I'm sorry but it just has to be this way.

This is my view of all of you. Pam, you're the ring leader, and are her secretary / treasurer.

The rest of you are the religious zealots that hate Jesus...but worship a mortal deity that is aptly named....Barack Hussein Obama. Good job on voting a sand nigger into office. I hope that your country is overtaken by the countries that have funded him throughout his life...Iraq and Iran. Live with your choice....sheep.

toggletoggle post by mortalis  at Nov 8,2008 5:52pm
lol baaa

toggletoggle post by goatcatalyst   at Nov 8,2008 5:56pm
I'll be bummed if Iran and/or Iraq get us before Russia.

I'm saving myself for Russia.

toggletoggle post by BobNOMAAMRooney at Nov 8,2008 6:07pm
Someone's hitting the sauce mighty early tonight.

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Nov 8,2008 6:08pm
Dude, have sex with your wife. Drink beers and go hunting. The level of emo in your post is disturbing to me.

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Nov 8,2008 6:20pm
Hoser said[orig][quote]
I'm sorry but it just has to be this way.

This is my view of all of you. Pam, you're the ring leader, and are her secretary / treasurer.

The rest of you are the religious zealots that hate Jesus...but worship a mortal deity that is aptly named....Barack Hussein Obama. Good job on voting a sand nigger into office. I hope that your country is overtaken by the countries that have funded him throughout his life...Iraq and Iran. Live with your choice....sheep.

I call hacked account.

Yeah, people here are liberals. That's what happened to metal post-1995, and consequently the music sucks, with a few exceptions (Skepticism).

Liberalism is groupthink, conformity and the death of a society.

Doesn't mean it should ruin your day. These are good people in the grips of a bad meme. It doesn't change my estimation for them, any more than I'd actually suddenly decide they were worthless if they bought Macs (fags) or started liking the new Cynic.

Liberalism is death, true, but the path is to keep being a good person who shows others the right way. When other people have more experience in life, they often change their ways.

In my experience, most of the people who are over 28 voting for Obama are arrested development cases wishing they were still in college, and the rest of Obama's white voters were college students.

Time changes how they'll view life.

The rest of the white people voted for McCain because although he is boring as hell, he's consistent and not connected to massive corruption like Obama.

Obama pitched a good-sounding message at a time when American voters were having a tantrum over the economy and, because their favorite entertainment found it horrific, the Iraq war (even though most active service people don't seem to find it so awful). The voters had a hissy fit and voted in whatever wasn't current.

On the good side, this has brought the truth out of the closet: liberals represent a psychology that results in their ideological viewpoint and not the other way around, and normal white people are realizing that the goal of liberalism is to replace them so neurosis can take over.

Is it any different than the revolutions in France and Russia? No, it's not... including consequences, though we haven't had time to see those yet. That's in the future.

Every society goes through calcification of this nature. With nothing positive to do, its energy goes into earning money and buying shit and comparing it to what others have, and the result is a vapid culture that turns on itself in a spasm of existential angst.

From that, you get this neurotic meme, and it takes out good people periodically. Are they any different than teenagers who do really stupid shit and expect their parents to sort it out? Those who are realists -- I describe myself as realist more than rightist -- need to get organized, explain themselves, and demonstrate what is correct.

They also need to plan for the middle part of the country to withdraw from the rest, and let the east and west coasts be Brazil/Mexico/Iraq if they want to. Let them face the consequences of their decisions while the realistic people avoid the kind of decay that ends in third world status (happens to every nation exactly the same way, including cosmopolitanism -- Toynbee/Spengler/Plato agree.)

In the meantime, they can be friends and people you care about without you having to agree on their politics -- or follow them down the murky path of neurosis.

Raising a (root) beer to you,

PS - Phil Anselmo has AIDS. Pass it on. I mean the word. Not the disease.

toggletoggle post by thuringwethil at Nov 8,2008 6:23pm
what?!? Hoser no way, you better not be serious about leaving

what's America without a lil' partisan mud wrestling?

toggletoggle post by archaeon at Nov 8,2008 6:29pm
i hope this is true

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Nov 8,2008 6:49pm
thuringwethil said[orig][quote]
Hoser no way, you better not be serious about leaving


toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Nov 8,2008 6:51pm

toggletoggle post by ThirdKnuckle  at Nov 8,2008 6:51pm
Conservationist said[orig][quote]

Yeah, people here are liberals. That's what happened to metal post-1995

So what do you think happened to metal in 1995 to cause this to happen?

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Nov 8,2008 6:55pm
ThirdKnuckle said[orig][quote]
Conservationist said[orig][quote]

Yeah, people here are liberals. That's what happened to metal post-1995

So what do you think happened to metal in 1995 to cause this to happen?

He asks the vital question...

I think it fired its initial wad, and those making it had allowed too much of their consciousness to be focused on what they hated, not what they loved enough to create -- so they ran out of topic matter, except self-referentiality.

Further, as it got popular, the clueless arrived and outnumbered those who could find a clue, and started demanding really stupid versions of good stuff. So new bands started cloning the old...

Finally, it kept searching for external ways to grow -- adding flutes, singing about ancient Ethiopia, etc -- instead of finding ways to get better at what it was.

And then endless scenester/hipster types flooded in and did the same thing they did to hardcore ten years before:

1. Demand conformist viewpoints.
2. Demand easily-digestible music.
3. Soon everyone has a band, a zine, a label... and none rise above the crowd.

If you every meet a savvy punk from the old days, they'll describe how punk failed in the same language. I started as a punk, and an old guy (probably 33, lol) told me about this, but I figured he was full of shit like my parents and didn't think about it again until 1999 or so. LOL @ me

toggletoggle post by the_taste_of_cigarettes  at Nov 8,2008 7:00pm
Yeah, you used to post about music, bands, and fun stuff.

Now it's all political horseshit.

Bring back the fun.

toggletoggle post by thuringwethil at Nov 8,2008 7:13pm
Conservationist said[orig][quote]
thuringwethil said[orig][quote]
Hoser no way, you better not be serious about leaving


I happen to disagree with you and he on TONS of issues, but homogeny of political viewpoint is no fun, especially not is this country

I can still love Pantera at least, right? eh...

toggletoggle post by thuringwethil at Nov 8,2008 7:17pm
so DON'T GO!

we're not so bad

toggletoggle post by pam   at Nov 8,2008 7:42pm
No, it's not a hacked account. He left me a myspace comment insulting my fucking intelligence a little bit ago.

Because there's no way me, meak little woman, could form a political opinion unless I've been brainwashed. Showing happiness toward the candidate I share ideology with means I'm foolish and not being myself.

Sorry for having thoughts. I know they're unbecoming of my gender.

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Nov 8,2008 7:52pm
Incidentally, there hasn't been a real republican in office since Eisenhower. Get fucked.

toggletoggle post by thuringwethil at Nov 8,2008 7:54pm
nah nah fuck that noise pam

I voted Obama, yer fuckin' A I did, no apologies

I'm not surprised that people are freaking out, per se. There's a Supreme Court to keep woman's right to choose and all that, so horrible

gyah, the right seems so touchy this week!

toggletoggle post by pam   at Nov 8,2008 8:09pm
Touchy...I'd say whining crybabies. "Wah, we didn't win so let's call everyone stupid and brainwashed! Then we'll take our ball and go home."

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Nov 8,2008 8:11pm
No one won. That's like when fat homos are excited about 'we won!' when the Sox win the series. Black liar versus old white liar that's going to die soon that wants young men to die in the sand for another 100 years is preferable to me.

toggletoggle post by This_Is_Heresy  at Nov 8,2008 8:21pm
I said it before and I'll say it again, I didn't per say vote for Obama as much as I voted AGAINST Palin.

Give me a republican who is not so much of a religious douche and mayhaps I will vote for them.

toggletoggle post by Infidelis on faptop at Nov 8,2008 8:27pm
republicans are retarded, and im sure that if I wasnt saying this now, id get a RETARDED post back from one.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 8,2008 8:34pm
hey hoser, way to embed that video.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 8,2008 8:35pm

toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 8:36pm
Ok, I won't leave. I've been shitfaced since I came out of the woods at 6pm. I fell asleep in my treestand.

I'm just irritated. I am just sick of politics. Everyone has a Jesus that they follow, and I'm tired of hearing about him. I'm no better than anyone else...I catalyze a lot of the bullcrap. I need another drink.

By the way...not that anyone cares, but I'm putting a project together with Jason Walton and Don Anderson of Agalloch. It should be complete by late 2009 or early 2010. It's gonna be very dark, very ambient, and ALL acoustic. But who knows...I'm just into the writing phase now. Jason will be doing the production...should be interesting. I'm also a newer member of Especially Likely album out soon.

Sorry to spill my secret, but I have to stop with my angsty political bullshit.

Sorry if I offended you, Pam. I'm not blaming booze, just my blind idiocy.

Sorry Rev for being a mansack.

Conservationist...I respect the hell outta are well educated and very well spoken. Your posts are always enlightening as hell and interesting to read.

There...I've paid my homage. If you want to see me pay my homage via my webcam...hit the link, sorry if I sound like a cheesewad.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 8,2008 8:38pm
way to embed again... maybe you should learn to embed cause your motortraining posts would be moar funnies.


toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 8:40pm edited Nov 8,2008 8:40pm
fuck off,'re spilling the beans on me.

toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 8:41pm
ruiner of fun.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 8,2008 8:42pm
I didn't even know that was motortraining.

toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 8:50pm
It's not.

toggletoggle post by demondave at Nov 8,2008 8:55pm

so, this entire thread is just a cry for attention?

toggletoggle post by ThirdKnuckle  at Nov 8,2008 9:01pm
So metal 'went liberal' in 1995...
what was it before that, in your estimation?

toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 9:06pm
demondave said[orig][quote]

so, this entire thread is just a cry for attention?

Nope. Not at all. Christ I get enough attention here as it is. I was actually kidding from the get go...but people played along, so I also...played along.


Hey, I didn't force you to read it.

toggletoggle post by ThirdKnuckle  at Nov 8,2008 9:08pm

So what do you think happened to metal in 1995 to cause this to happen?


Wargasm broke up in 1995, that's what happened.

Registered Republican, right here.

toggletoggle post by zyklon at Nov 8,2008 9:33pm edited Nov 8,2008 10:00pm
Hey hoser just leave for real
a lot of people here would really appreciate it

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Nov 8,2008 9:38pm

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 8,2008 9:41pm
triple jew.

toggletoggle post by W3 nli at Nov 8,2008 10:02pm
woooooooooooo bongtits for all y'all

toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 10:24pm
zyklon said[orig][quote]
Hey hoser just leave for real
a lot of people here would really appreciate it


toggletoggle post by W3 nli at Nov 8,2008 10:26pm
nope but it'd be the best holiday gift since a black men winning the presidency

toggletoggle post by y_ddraig_goch  at Nov 8,2008 10:28pm
I don't hate the liberals. I just hate the sheep on both sides who blindly follow candidates and treat them like they're some kind of god-king who's going to heal the world.

our lives will always be the same until we change it ourselves.

toggletoggle post by Hoser at Nov 8,2008 10:29pm
W3%20nli said[orig][quote]
nope but it'd be the best holiday gift since a black men winning the presidency

I said NO.

toggletoggle post by W3 nli at Nov 8,2008 11:12pm
c'mon gawy

toggletoggle post by NH is truely blue at Nov 8,2008 11:29pm
rttp needs a douchebag like you. stay stay stay!

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 8,2008 11:51pm
he lives in Maine.

toggletoggle post by W3 nli at Nov 8,2008 11:54pm
i went to school for a year in maine, till they found a kid hogtied and hung in the woods.

toggletoggle post by ZJD   at Nov 9,2008 12:09am
Am I the only one who would like Hoser to quit the internet?

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Nov 9,2008 12:50am
ThirdKnuckle said[orig][quote]
So metal 'went liberal' in 1995...
what was it before that, in your estimation?

I think metal took some time to come to a statement of clarity.

It has always been Romanticist, which is not really a liberal outlook... more of a "the crowd is nuts" outlook.

Black Sabbath was anti-hippie, in deed if not in word.

But with black metal and death metal, it got beyond the callow leftism that pervaded punk and speed metal. Only death is real = "get over yourselves and face reality." Much more Cro-Mags than Dead Kennedys.

After that, it kind of reversed course, and so did the music!

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Nov 9,2008 12:51am
y_ddraig_goch said[orig][quote]
I don't hate the liberals. I just hate the sheep on both sides who blindly follow candidates and treat them like they're some kind of god-king who's going to heal the world.

our lives will always be the same until we change it ourselves.

There is a lot of truth in this.

However, I don't hate the blind sheep -- I recognize that only a few have leadership capabilities, so most people are in too deep in any political capacity.

The blind searching for an external Saviour is pointless though. The problem is us. The fix is discipline and clarity, and fascism.

toggletoggle post by pam   at Nov 9,2008 12:56am
I love how supporting a candidate I read up on, agree with, and believe in makes me a sheep.

Or is it just me not following/agreeing with you idiots that makes me a sheep?

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Nov 9,2008 12:58am
Depends on how realistic that candidate's opinions are, and why you're agreeing, doesn't it?

toggletoggle post by pam   at Nov 9,2008 1:10am
Who the fuck are you to assume why I agree with anything? And who the fuck are you to determine what's realistic for anyone? You're just a condescending prick that for some reason picked a New England message board to annoy from Texas with 24 hours a day of pointless drivel. Get fucked.

toggletoggle post by pam   at Nov 9,2008 1:13am
y_ddraig_goch said[orig][quote]
I don't hate the liberals. I just hate the sheep on both sides who blindly follow candidates and treat them like they're some kind of god-king who's going to heal the world.

Well speaking for myself, I've probably said 300 times that I don't think Obama is going to change everything. I'll probably say it 300 more times. I also don't "blindly" follow anyone. It's pretty annoying, insulting and offensive that you persistently assume so.

But it sure is convenient, isn't it?

toggletoggle post by ctB0rderpatrol at Nov 9,2008 2:05am
im not gonna feel dumb for helping obama to power because i wrote in chuck baldwin, although i should've written in richorror

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Nov 9,2008 3:02am
pam said[orig][quote]
Who the fuck are you to assume why I agree with anything? And who the fuck are you to determine what's realistic for anyone? You're just a condescending prick that for some reason picked a New England message board to annoy from Texas with 24 hours a day of pointless drivel. Get fucked.

Who are you to assume your own judgment is absolute?

Reality decides. Humans "know," and make illusion.

All I do is ask the questions ;)

toggletoggle post by orgymaggotfeast  at Nov 12,2008 11:28am
pam said[orig][quote]

there's no way a meak little woman, could form a political opinion unless I've been brainwashed.


(come had to assume someone would do was too funny not to)

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Nov 12,2008 11:32am
oooo, oooo, ooooo!!!!! i hope he mentioned me in his video... am i cool enough to have been mentioned? I can't do myspace.

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Nov 12,2008 11:35am
Conservationist said[orig][quote]
pam said[orig][quote]
Who the fuck are you to assume why I agree with anything? And who the fuck are you to determine what's realistic for anyone? You're just a condescending prick that for some reason picked a New England message board to annoy from Texas with 24 hours a day of pointless drivel. Get fucked.

Who are you to assume your own judgment is absolute?

Reality decides. Humans "know," and make illusion.

All I do is ask the questions ;)

Well actually you imply things with those questions that can be taken quite offensively... those same things that are pissing pam off.. do you disagree with my assessment? Or do you think that i am regurgitating something someone used on me?

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