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returntothepit >> discuss >> 4/10: Boston, MA @ The Hoss w/ Sex Positions Terminal Youth, The Heuristic, Bent Out of Shape, Terminator. by mark- on Apr 10,2004 12:34pm
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toggletoggle post by mark-   at Apr 10,2004 12:34pm
4/10: Boston, MA @ The Hoss w/ Sex Positions Terminal Youth, The Heuristic, Bent Out of Shape, Terminator.

this starts around 6:00

toggletoggle post by TheGreatSpaldino   at Apr 10,2004 12:36pm
urine tastes like pee

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 10,2004 1:16pm
6?!? I think it was 8!
damn it.

toggletoggle post by eeyorge at Apr 10,2004 1:17pm
are you going?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 10,2004 1:20pm
I hate you... I want to..

toggletoggle post by mark-   at Apr 10,2004 1:22pm
it will run late. shows there always start late

toggletoggle post by TheGreatSpaldino   at Apr 10,2004 1:23pm
wily's theme

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 10,2004 2:32pm
twodeadsluts onegoodfuck were susposed to play and are on all the flyers....there name was said to be too offensive by the "pc" kids and were taken off the bill.

sex positions are not playing either.

toggletoggle post by eeyorge at Apr 10,2004 2:45pm
that's lame as fuck. i bet i know who was in charge of that move.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 10,2004 3:16pm
ok, fuck that.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 10,2004 4:12pm edited Apr 10,2004 4:14pm
let me add... I'm rip shit about the fact that twodeadsluts were taken off the bill due to PC bullshit. These shows are in brighton, where art kids think it's all artistic to smell bad and drink 40's.

some dumb-fuck thinks that anyone who goes to these shows would care? then need to have that conservative stick removed from thier fucking ass. Remember when Rudy Geuliani ( ) pulled funding on brooklyn museum exhibit cause it "offended" him?

way to have an open mind about shit. what are you going to do next, read bands lyrics before hand so you let them play? way to be club drifters.
our music scene here is way too small for close-minded people to fuck with it.

ps: if anonymous's post is incorrect, then fuck difters for screening lyrics.

toggletoggle post by mark-   at Apr 10,2004 5:30pm

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 10,2004 8:05pm
This is me (shane) of twodeadsluts onegoodfuck. I was the one who posted that. I dont mean to bash on the hoss but give me a break.

I want to thank the rev. for sharing a very true post.

toggletoggle post by Terence   at Apr 10,2004 8:37pm
who are these PC kids? its a basement show for gods sake.

toggletoggle post by retzam at Apr 10,2004 8:39pm
Hey, anyone that goes to this show. They weren't mentioned on here, but there is a band called Pretty Faces playing. I would really appreciate any feedback any of you have on this band. Thanks a lot guys.

toggletoggle post by BornSoVile   at Apr 10,2004 8:43pm
who's in charge of booking this facility?

toggletoggle post by JonahBloodbath   at Apr 11,2004 12:33am
I'm gonna go ahead and totally disagree with most of what you guys are saying. This is a diy space and basically anyone who talks to the kids that live there can book shows. I wouldn't book a nazi band because I find that shit really offensive. The girl booking this show considers herself (or at least once did) a feminist, why would she ever want to book/play with a band called two dead sluts one good fuck.

Im not defending censorship of any form, but anyone can book a diy show, thats the whole point, and when you book a show you can book whatever types of bands you feel like. Everyone chooses what they want to promote from what t-shirts they ware to what kind of soda they drink and if the simple name of a band is going to make someone feel uncomfortable, then why would they promote that band.

I'm saying this stuff to defend my friends and their point of views. Slut is a word that really bothers most of the people that I live and hang out with and I totally understand if they don't want to be in an environment where its ok to yell about pussy and sluts and yadda yadda..

toggletoggle post by JonahBloodbath   at Apr 11,2004 12:34am
oh, and by the way, The Heuristic were awesome, check them out..

toggletoggle post by Terence   at Apr 11,2004 12:55am
why were they on in the first place?

toggletoggle post by JonahBloodbath   at Apr 11,2004 1:05am
A dude that was helping Joan (the girl that did most of the booking) said they could play without really asking her. Later I guess they both desided they'd rather not have 2x sluts play..

toggletoggle post by retzam at Apr 11,2004 9:54am
JonahBloodbath said:
I'm gonna go ahead and totally disagree with most of what you guys are saying. This is a diy space and basically anyone who talks to the kids that live there can book shows. I wouldn't book a nazi band because I find that shit really offensive. The girl booking this show considers herself (or at least once did) a feminist, why would she ever want to book/play with a band called two dead sluts one good fuck.

Im not defending censorship of any form, but anyone can book a diy show, thats the whole point, and when you book a show you can book whatever types of bands you feel like. Everyone chooses what they want to promote from what t-shirts they ware to what kind of soda they drink and if the simple name of a band is going to make someone feel uncomfortable, then why would they promote that band.

I'm saying this stuff to defend my friends and their point of views. Slut is a word that really bothers most of the people that I live and hang out with and I totally understand if they don't want to be in an environment where its ok to yell about pussy and sluts and yadda yadda..

I agree completely.

Jonah, you went to this right? How were Pretty Faces?

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 11,2004 11:47am
I think it's "hip" to be offended and overly PC now. sure, everyone has a right to decide what makes them comfortable and uncomfortable, but I agree with the reverend that people in the allston/brighton "scene" take it way to far. Defend the right to speak more than anything else, and censoring everyone's language and actions just makes us claustrophobic. And that's not true that anyone can book a show at the house of suffering succotash, only kids that are friends with the housemates can. try getting an outsider to do it and watch what happens.

toggletoggle post by JonahBloodbath   at Apr 11,2004 1:07pm
you want to talk hip, what about pc-backlash? there's so many kids that walk around saying fag and pussy or whatever just to try and be as LEAST pc as possible. There's lame people on both sides of the map, but when there's kids that feel legitimately uncomfortable for one reason or another its worth at least talking about.

Even though I had nothing to do with putting together this show, I'm sorry if you felt censored. If you guys have a serious message your trying to get out you should email dan at the hoss or joan that booked the show and tell them about what your trying to do as a band, maybe they'll book you for another show..

anyway, retzam, I was running my merch table in the other room during pretty faces so I can't give you a detailed review, but they sounded pretty good. Dancy almost hardcore with keyboards. I wasn't blown away but I'd check them out again..

p.s. last final point, anonymous, I'm just some kid with long hair, im not a tight pant-allston scenester. I introduced myself to the kids at the hoss a long time ago and talked to them about shows, what I listen to and all that and after knowing me for a couple months they let me start booking shows. Anyone can't book there, its their house, but anyone can talk to them about it..

toggletoggle post by JonahBloodbath   at Apr 11,2004 1:10pm
oh, and if this is still an issue, I wanted to post this quote from joan:

"show spaces should be safe for everyone. and i'm not saying safe, as in sheltered, but accepting of men AND women. using the word SLUT is just as bad as "nigger," "fag," "kike" or "christian hardcore."

see i do have a sense of humor."

toggletoggle post by jeremy at Apr 11,2004 1:46pm
well me and my friends were gonna drive from conn. to see them. twodeadslutsonegoodfuck from what ive heard are more on the lines of the locust than say your average kill bitches and fuck satan bands. maybe if they took 15 secs out of there day and listened to them before making judgement ....there was potential for a pretty rad show. dont they get naked and make out with each other. i thought being gay was totally in.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 11,2004 1:46pm
it's cyclical...

never ending. black people use the work nigger,
homosexual men use the term fag,
gentiles use the term "dirty jew"
the point is they are all just words and much like the donut statue in that simpsons episode, if you don't empower the words, they mean nothing.
if you empower them, then they will be mosters that destroy you.

personally, I just decided not to support a show that I felt compromised artistic freedoms to apease an audience that might have only hypothetical been offended. I went through a year judical panel, probation, and imposed sexual harassment training from some douche-bag being "offend" for some girls that stood in the hearing and said that they werent offended and scanctions were still in acted by some PC-brain-washed judical review panel.

in the words of george carlin:
"there are 2 knobs on the radio, one turns the radio off. and the other one *click* changes the station"

toggletoggle post by the taste of cigarettes at Apr 11,2004 2:32pm

Humor's got a place like all things.
Be aware of the pain it can sometimes bring.
A joke to you might not be so funny,
so take the time and think it out before you open up your mouth.
I can't belive the things we say.
A cutting word can ruin days.
I can't belive the things we say.
Now I wish I hadn't spoke.
Can't you learn to take a fucking joke.
We say things we don't mean but friends understand.
Stength and humor don't always go hand in hand.
A joke to you might not be so funny,
so take the time and think it out before you open up your mouth.
I can't belive the things we say.
A cutting word can ruin days.
I can't belive the things we say.
Now I wish I hadn't spoke.
Can't you learn to take a fuckin' joke.
But no ones laughing.
I wish I could crack a smile, but I can't.
I know he's just a fucking jerk.
But jerks hurt too.
And I'm not that cool that I can laugh.
I see because it's happened to me and I think I was an asshole when I said what I said.
It's just a sick sense of humor rolls around in my head.
Cause we've had our fun at your expense and that's wrong.
And we know it.
You said we were friends.
For friendship's sake.
Let's give it a brake.
I can't belive the things we say.
A cutting word can ruin days.
I can't belive the things we say.
Now I wish I hadn't spoke.
Can't you learn to take a fuckin' joke!


other than that, i'm staying out of this one.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 11,2004 2:55pm
1. "Two Dead Sluts One Good Fuck" were not "on all the flyers," nor were they ever officially on the bill. One of the people involved in setting up the show was thinking of have them play, but decided against it.

2. It's not about "an audience that might have only hypothetical been offended," it's about the fact that the people who put a lot of work into making this show happen wouldn't have been comfortable supporting/being associated with a band with a fucked up name and a reputation for trashing people's basements.

2a. Sorry, dudes. When YOU let a bunch of a strangers come into your basement, borrow your bass rig, PA, and microphones so that they can show how "un-PC" they are, YOU can make these kinds of decisions.

3. Look up "disingenuous" in the dictionary, and you'll find a picture of a White metal dude who gives his band a really offensive and sexist name and then acts all shocked and surprised when people call him on it. Just sayin'.

4. The Reverend, it sucks that you had a bad experience with the judicial system at your school. It also sucks that you seem to be letting this bad experience color your view of DIY basement shows.

5. Shane-onymous, were you at the show all drunk with a Today Is The Day shirt and a Sherpa hat? If so, I was the guy you talked to at the merch table during your "I have been DEEMED too offensive for this house" riff. The whole thing makes a lot more sense now, but was funnier when I thought you/he were just totally bananas. Oh well.

6. I enjoyed Terminator, and when I talked to them it seemed like it was only the one guitar dude (no dreads, Slayer shirt?) who was bent out of shape about the whole thing; the other guys were wicked cool, and they've gotten MUCH scarier since I played with them years ago. Keep up the good work!


toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 11,2004 2:56pm
Whoa, sorry about that fomatting clusterfuck.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 11,2004 3:01pm
anonymous said:
4. The Reverend, it sucks that you had a bad experience with the judicial system at your school. It also sucks that you seem to be letting this bad experience color your view of DIY basement shows.

seeing as I go to tons of them, if obviously hasn't. I will be at other HOSS shows, but declined going to this one. I even bought a 12-24mm lens with the almost explicit reasons of using it at the HOSS.

also, someone needs to call the people that do the show "radio beat" on WERS and tell them that the HOSS is no longer called HOS.

toggletoggle post by joan at Apr 11,2004 4:26pm
i booked the show. i said they couldn't play. is my email.

complain directly to me if you so wish.

"black people use the work nigger,
homosexual men use the term fag,
gentiles use the term "dirty jew"
the point is they are all just words and much like the donut statue in that simpsons episode, if you don't empower the words, they mean nothing.
if you empower them, then they will be mosters that destroy you."

in regaurds to your statement... black people use the word nigger... etc... 2deadsluts are 2 white guys. not two female prostitues. what you are reffering to is called "movement language." basically its when a person takes the power away from who ever uses the words "nigger" or "fag" or "SLUT" trying and humilate someone. so i'm gay, and i read in this thread it's cool to be gay, but i've been punched in the face for being gay. so i dunno how cool that is. would i call another gay kid a fag? personally, no. but i don't get up in arms when a gay kid calls another gay kid a fag because there is no power involved. but when a straight guy calls another straight guy a "fag" it is mean to emasculate that man. it's meant to hurt.

now, i'm a fucking hardcore kid, you can check my record collection and i like to dance it up with the best of them but for fuck's sake. you all need to open your fucking minds and realize that THE LANGUAGE THAT WE COMMUNICATE WITH ALSO SHOWS WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WE ARE.

i havent heard 2deadsluts,onegoodfuck. i don't want to. i don't care if they are the new fucking whatever hyped band. i don't care if i love thier music, because i can find music i like anywhere...

i can't imagine this is the first time this has happened?

and sex posi DID play and tore it up!

toggletoggle post by jake at Apr 11,2004 5:18pm


toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 11,2004 5:21pm
two dead sluts is a thousand times better than raise the curtain.

lighten up, this music is about having fun, grindcore is about offending people, if you're too pc to deal with that you need a good kick in the mouth. not everybody likes singing about being edge or sticking up for your friends.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 11,2004 6:03pm
if your band is about offending people why would you be at all shocked that certain people dont feel like being offended..

side note, my friend wants to know what you guys would think if a band was called Two dead niggers, one good time?

toggletoggle post by shane from twodeadsluts at Apr 11,2004 6:40pm
haha...this whole thing puts a smile on my face.
terminator and sex positions were really good.

despite popular belief twodeadsluts isnt about "killing gay nigger bitches".

I will tell you this my friend...we are better than you.

nigger > slut
nigger is way more offensive as it has to do with race. a slut is someone who has sex with alot people and enjoys it. i have sex with alot people. slut as in us. we are sluts ...get it. what does this have to do with women?

so to answer your question if there was a band called two dead niggers....i would first laugh and then bash them on messageboards for ripping us off.

toggletoggle post by retzam at Apr 11,2004 7:35pm
JonahBloodbath said:
anyway, retzam, I was running my merch table in the other room during pretty faces so I can't give you a detailed review, but they sounded pretty good. Dancy almost hardcore with keyboards. I wasn't blown away but I'd check them out again..

Thanks a lot for the feedback man, I really appreciate it

toggletoggle post by joan at Apr 11,2004 7:46pm
the defination of slut is what has to do with women...
taken straight from
slut ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sl u t)

1. A woman considered sexually promiscuous.
2. A woman prostitute.
2. A slovenly woman; a slattern.

you don't even know the defination of slut? this gets better by the hour.

toggletoggle post by twodeadsluts at Apr 11,2004 8:53pm
ok...i got zinged from but your missing my point.

i consider myself a slut and i am a boy.

What about COSTES playing the hoss? Did that offend you too?
Id say what he does is totally on the offensive side. not to me but to someone like you.

i really dont care what you think about the band name .
you have your opinions and i have mine. everyone has opinions.
you took us off the show and some people wanted to see us. you didnt and it was your house. good for you.

end of discusion. go eat another cup cake.

toggletoggle post by joan at Apr 11,2004 9:20pm
it is not my house. and dan shea, who lives there, and i decided to take you off the bill, which i never even knew you were booked on until i was asked if it was ok.

i didn't go to costes. i can only speak for myself and the events i put on. all the shows i put on are super posi and usually are a good time. the only problems we had with last night was twodeadsluts tagging thier house and putting up stickers... kinda funny, i guess, because now they probably won't book ya'll when yesterday it was all "we will find a different show for them." sooooooooo you make your own bed, lie in it.

its cool that you consider yourself a "slut" but i think you actually mean "whore." you can look that one up yourself. seriously.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 12,2004 2:31am
I have no response that would make you think any different.
you have no response that will make me think different.
so I end my part in this.

toggletoggle post by joan at Apr 12,2004 8:13am
how do you know that's true?

toggletoggle post by eeyorge at Apr 12,2004 8:18am
because you too opionated for your own good.

toggletoggle post by aliciagrace  at Apr 12,2004 8:23am
too bad this thread has too much to read otherwise i would be interested and respond ^_^
ill just say this, if the band isnt playing, who gives a shit? just go see them someplace else they play. And if it is just a basement show (i think i read that when i was scrolling) then you should care even less.

toggletoggle post by eeyorge at Apr 12,2004 8:26am
basement shows are a thousand times more fun than shows at venues.
i'll take a hoss show anyday over a show at the chopping block/all asia/middle east/ or wherever.

toggletoggle post by aliciagrace  at Apr 12,2004 8:30am
okay okay, fine, i agree! I ADMIT IT!! a tool, i just want to stop the fighting *sniffles*.....wayta rain on my parade, farthead.

toggletoggle post by eeyorge at Apr 12,2004 8:33am
misstaah spaakauu

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Apr 12,2004 9:19am
joan said:
how do you know that's true?

because he's not going to change his mind and it doesn't look like you will either.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Apr 12,2004 11:39am
1. "i consider myself a slut and i am a boy. "
Since you ARE a boy, you're lucky enough to get to decide for yourself
about this. Do you think that women who get called "sluts" made the same
CHOICE you did? While y'all are on a dictionary bender, you should look up
"male privilege."

2. "two dead sluts is a thousand times better than raise the curtain."
I'm sure they are; I'm just confused as to why these musical titans spent
the evening whining about not being on the bill, vandalizing the house, and
then complaining about it. Shouldn't a band that's like, the second coming
of the Locust have better things to do?

3. "grindcore is about offending people"
Yeah, Discordance Axis and Godstomper and Assuck were really
"offensive." Damn, now I wish I hadn't burned up my Locust zing already,
or I would've suggested you look beyond "confrontational" hipster
pseudo-grind for your musical frame of reference. Oh well!

4. "What about COSTES playing the hoss? Did that offend you too?"
Didn't see it, but I got detailed descriptions from a bunch of people. Parts
of it sounded gross but then I've played with Vomit Dichotomy (another
"PC" grindcore band; hell they even put down a tarp to catch all
the puke and piss and blood!). I'm honestly not clear as to why you
would find Costes "offensive," or expect other people to. 2DS1GF and
Costes = apples and oranges.

Anyhow, I wasn't going to post on this again but I just wanted to drop by
and let people know that the kid(s) from Two Dead Sluts etc. vandalized
the House of Suffering after/during the show. After pulling disrespectful
shit like that, why would anyone even bother arguing that the kids who live
there (and will consequently have to clean up after 2DS1GF's bold, anti-PC
temper tantrum) should've let them play?


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