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returntothepit >> discuss >> ITT eric paone is a cry baby faggot by xgodzillax on Mar 20,2011 1:26pm
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toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 20,2011 1:26pm edited Mar 20,2011 1:27pm

cry about it on the internets, faggot.

toggletoggle post by Private dick nli at Mar 20,2011 1:38pm
Someone needs a little work on his grammar.

toggletoggle post by MarkFuckingRichards  at Mar 20,2011 1:41pm
Haha, I love how he bitches about people trolling with the CSDO name, when all he has to do (and has been told numerous times throughout the years) is register on the site and stop posting not logged in. No fucking common sense.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Mar 20,2011 1:44pm
Anderson Lynn Mar = Fuck the fire department lady

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 1:44pm
pretty sure you cant use "Candy Striper Death Orgy" as a log in name since it has spaces tho, thus allowing people to troll him for eternity haha

toggletoggle post by MarkFuckingRichards  at Mar 20,2011 1:47pm
Oh there's no doubt that he will face an eternity of trolling; he's brought it upon himself. Too bad the trolls fucking suck.

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 1:48pm
yea, fucking unfunny racist trolls are racist. seriously boring work

ITT: its not pay to play, its work to play

toggletoggle post by ArrowHeadNLI at Mar 20,2011 1:49pm
"wastes of life that don't have a life"

How do you waste what you don't have? This guy really is as dumb as people jest!

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 1:50pm
in other words, they didnt waste a life if they had no life to begin with? sound logic!

toggletoggle post by ArrowHeadNLI at Mar 20,2011 1:54pm
Anderson Lynne Mar: "They all lead boring mundane lives working at fast food joint and living in mommy's basement"


First search of her name turns up a benefit concert she through to save her house due to her having no money. And she talks shit about people not having homes or good jobs, like she's raking it in booking shows?

And, for the record, when did we ever mock a promoter for NOT being in worcester? I though this board hated 99% of the promoters in worcester?

toggletoggle post by Eddie NLI at Mar 20,2011 1:55pm

also, Mr Negative, you must be friends with him on FB to have seen that post, no?

toggletoggle post by ArrowHeadNLI at Mar 20,2011 1:55pm
"jealousy is a useless emotion"


even his friends won't tell him he's become a meme. Look at other memes, like Rebecca Black. I bet she thinks we're all just jealous too.

toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 20,2011 1:57pm
Eddie%20NLI said[orig][quote]

also, Mr Negative, you must be friends with him on FB to have seen that post, no?

not at all. the dude added my girlfriend on the fb, even though hes old enough to be her father. she told me about it, I looked at his 'wall' and there it was. his profile is public.

toggletoggle post by MarkFuckingRichards  at Mar 20,2011 1:59pm
ArrowHeadNLI said[orig][quote]
Anderson Lynne Mar: "They all lead boring mundane lives working at fast food joint and living in mommy's basement"


First search of her name turns up a benefit concert she through to save her house due to her having no money. And she talks shit about people not having homes or good jobs, like she's raking it in booking shows?

And, for the record, when did we ever mock a promoter for NOT being in worcester? I though this board hated 99% of the promoters in worcester?

The thread she's referring to:

Clearly she gets hated on (for good reason), but no one says shit about her not having business booking metal shows because she doesn't do it in Worcester. Such a fucking delusional moron. People with no reading comprehension need to stay the fuck off the internet.

toggletoggle post by Private Dick NLI at Mar 20,2011 2:00pm
LOL @ Godzilla claiming to have a girlfriend.

toggletoggle post by reimroc at Mar 20,2011 2:00pm




toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 20,2011 2:01pm
Private%20Dick%20NLI said[orig][quote]
LOL @ Godzilla claiming to have a girlfriend.

fat dudes like me cant get girls, aint that right?

cool story bro

toggletoggle post by ArrowHeadNLI at Mar 20,2011 2:08pm
Ah yes, people warned her it might be tough to compete with existing metal nights in worcester.

So by her logic, we told her she needs to be in worcester. Yes. Of course.

Now I get it, this is that retarded fire dept lady.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 2:33pm
Hey you fucks... I'm signed in!! So, go ahead and keep posting under my name. We all know who's been slinging the shit here.

Me bitching on facebook? What the fuck do you think you dopes are doing on here? Bitching, complaining, having your periods, bleeding from the heads of your dicks and so on.

toggletoggle post by CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY at Mar 20,2011 2:36pm
you're still a faggot.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 2:39pm
That's right jack off... Keep posting under my name. You got nothing better to do. You must have no job, no life, you're parents had sex with you when you were a kid...

toggletoggle post by AndrewBastard  at Mar 20,2011 2:43pm edited Mar 20,2011 2:43pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
you're parents had sex with you when you were a kid...

you are parents had sex with you?

toggletoggle post by CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY at Mar 20,2011 2:43pm
haha, considering i am at work while i am shitting on you, play in a band not comprised of 40 year old name dropping has beens, and never had sex with my parents unlike you. i would say i am doing just fine, considering i dont feel the need to gloat about how awesome my life is, and how many tours i turned down because im a faggot and cant FUCKING TOUR LIKE A REAL BAND WITH SUCCESS. you are a circus act

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 2:51pm
Your parents had sex with you when you were a kid...

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 2:52pm
What's the name of your band? And yes, you did have sex with your parents. That's why you sit on this board with nothing better to do...

toggletoggle post by lolol at Mar 20,2011 2:52pm
Epic lulz...

toggletoggle post by Eddie NLI at Mar 20,2011 2:54pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
What's the name of your band? And yes, you did have sex with your parents. That's why you sit on this board with nothing better to do...

i think he was mocking the fact that you're in tour 40s and dont know when/where to use the corect form of "YOUR" and "YOU'RE"

also, I'd rater fuck my dad than that thing you're fucking.

toggletoggle post by CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY at Mar 20,2011 2:54pm
haha, did you seriously just try the same insult three times in a row? you must know a lot about parents having sex with you when you were a kid... try something new or just do another angry facebook post about it you fucking simpleton

toggletoggle post by MarkFuckingRichards  at Mar 20,2011 2:54pm
I guess RTTP has been outed as a retreat for people who have had sex with their parents. Thanks for blowing our cover.

toggletoggle post by Eddie NLI at Mar 20,2011 2:55pm
tour = your

not a spelling/grammar error; it was a typo. big difference.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 2:56pm
Are fucking somebody? Most likely not... Oh yeah, your right hand is your girlfriend.

toggletoggle post by aaron_michael  at Mar 20,2011 2:57pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
And yes, you did have sex with your parents. That's why you sit on this board with nothing better to do...

toggletoggle post by ArrowHeadNLI at Mar 20,2011 2:57pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]

Me bitching on facebook? What the fuck do you think you dopes are doing on here?

I think they're making fun of you, because of how insanely serious you take yourself and how much you tend to weigh success in life by the merits of your band's accomplishments, which by that very benchmark may make you look down on hobby rockers who do NOT judge themselves this way, but it also turns the spotlight of your own half assed and failed career as a musician.

While you may have played some good shows, with good bands, and had fun doing it, if music is as important and defining as you think it is, you must be a freaking HUGE failure in your own eyes. And that's sad, because a little TINY bit of humility right from the very beginning would have changed all that.

As for who does what for a living, or who bangs who, or how many of us tour, it doesn't matter. Because search as I may, there's not an entire website that dedicates themselves to making fun of me. And that, in my mind, tells me something about you.

Good luck in your musical pursuits, Eric. It's not too late, lots of thrash bands make an impact on the music world in their 50's. You could be a facebook MEGA STAR.

toggletoggle post by MarkFuckingRichards  at Mar 20,2011 2:58pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Are fucking somebody? Most likely not... Oh yeah, your right hand is your girlfriend.

Everyone here is fucking our parents, DUH.

toggletoggle post by Frank_Bass at Mar 20,2011 2:59pm
Everyone posting in this thread is like 12 right?

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 3:00pm
Frank_Bass said[orig][quote]
Everyone posting in this thread is like 12 right?

dude they fucking better be, i didnt come on this board to fuck people my own age, right MSD?

toggletoggle post by aaron_michael  at Mar 20,2011 3:01pm
Frank_Bass said[orig][quote]
Everyone posting in this thread is like 12 right?

I know you are but what am I(?)

toggletoggle post by ArrowHeadNLI at Mar 20,2011 3:06pm
Frank_Bass said[orig][quote]
Everyone posting in this thread is like 12 right?

Wow, did you really join a forum to say that?

We may be twelve, but that kind of obsessive behavior is closer to a three year old.

Frank is a three year old. Frank, tell us, do you have pics?

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 3:09pm
Frank... Let 'em have it.

toggletoggle post by Frank_Bass at Mar 20,2011 3:11pm
Actually , I Joined the forum to post shows and find about metal and punk stuff going on. Came across this thread and thought it was silly, what did you join for?

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 3:16pm
Alexecutioner said[orig][quote]
pretty sure you cant use "Candy Striper Death Orgy" as a log in name since it has spaces tho, thus allowing people to troll him for eternity haha

was i wrong?

toggletoggle post by 88 at Mar 20,2011 3:25pm
CSDO youve been around what, 20 years, and have 10 songs to your name? what's up with that.

toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 20,2011 3:28pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Frank... Let 'em have it.

I still want to fight you eric, I dont care if it would be hate crime enhanced because youre elderly, someone just needs to shut your fucking mouth for good.

but alas, youre too "busy" with your dildos, joke of a band, and name dropping.

but, I will extend the open invitation of meeting me at the chinatown gate for a bout of fisticuffs, cause thats what people from your generation call it.

toggletoggle post by ArrowHeadNLI at Mar 20,2011 3:32pm
Frank_Bass said[orig][quote]
Actually , I Joined the forum to post shows and find about metal and punk stuff going on. Came across this thread and thought it was silly, what did you join for?

I joined to make them stop picking on me at the Baystate Rock Forum.

Point being, you joined today, to post shows and learn about metal, but your one and only post is defending the most hated dildo here in a drama thread on a page full of show postings and such? And then the friend you're pretending to defend from a neutral perspective tells you "go get em Frankie boy"?

Yeah, not only are you a liar, you're a fucking retard for thinking we'd believe it. Go away, don't post here. You're just gonna get ripped to shreds.

toggletoggle post by bobnomaamrooney at Mar 20,2011 3:36pm
Actually people of Eric's vintage refer to fighting in Chinatown as: Pugilism under those consarned newfangled Queensbury Rules localized within the opium burdened coolie ville.

toggletoggle post by amorok666 at Mar 20,2011 3:38pm
ITT: people having sex with parents.

toggletoggle post by Frank_Bass at Mar 20,2011 3:48pm edited Mar 20,2011 3:55pm
Actually my first post was a show fuckface., And Im not defending anyone , just saying how dumb this thread looks.

toggletoggle post by amorok666 at Mar 20,2011 3:50pm
I'm gonna smooch my dads pickle later.

toggletoggle post by MassachusettsMetal at Mar 20,2011 3:53pm
Speaking of trolls, I've never seen a 'trollier' looking dude than this:

And hey, Eric, No publicity is bad publicity...right?

Although in this case, I don't think ANY publicity is going to help Candy Striper Death Orgy... Man, do you guys blow!

toggletoggle post by Scott Brown at Mar 20,2011 3:53pm

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Mar 20,2011 3:57pm
Private%20dick%20nli said[orig][quote]
Someone needs a little work on his grammar.

you mean Grammer? Baby I hear the blues acallin'

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 20,2011 4:08pm

toggletoggle post by melodyrose  at Mar 20,2011 4:14pm

toggletoggle post by Fudgy Packer Life Party at Mar 20,2011 4:17pm
Facts: Eric "Godfather of Thrash Metal" Paone invented the circle pit, has been keeping the New England Porn scene alive for 2 decades, single handedly got Dave Mustaine off heroin, delivered the Octuplets, convinced Dave Lombardo to come back to Slayer, organized the entire 'Big Four' event, introduced Bree Olsen to Charlie Sheen... i mean, the list goes on and on, but, c'mon, leave the guy alone! His shitty band has done SO much for the Metal Community!

toggletoggle post by fappy at Mar 20,2011 4:22pm
Hemmed blue jean shorts = motherfuckin'metal.

toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 20,2011 4:30pm
bobnomaamrooney said[orig][quote]
Actually people of Eric's vintage refer to fighting in Chinatown as: Pugilism under those consarned newfangled Queensbury Rules localized within the opium burdened coolie ville.

For the win!

toggletoggle post by Randy_Marsh at Mar 20,2011 4:37pm edited Mar 20,2011 4:38pm

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 20,2011 4:41pm
I am the guitarist/vocalist/songwriter/manager of the Thrash Metal band - Candy Striper Death Orgy. Besides playing in the band, I help run 6 adult stores.. Also, I work with Screaming Ferret Wreckords and the almighty Thrash band - Nuclear Assault. Almost forgot, I help out the guys at New England Concerts. You can check out more on me on our website...

toggletoggle post by PAONE IN THE ASS at Mar 20,2011 4:41pm
First results in google image search for Eric Paone:

clearly you know a lot about the science of incest, associating with the all-star cast of Lowered Expectations.

And your website is equally mongoloid in appearance:

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 4:41pm
Hey Frank... That's what these jack-off's do on this board. But, It's only a few of them. Tough guys behind the keyboard.

toggletoggle post by Randy_Marsh at Mar 20,2011 4:43pm
tuff guise in IRL 2

toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 20,2011 4:46pm
Go back to managing your roadcone sized buttplug collection, faggot

toggletoggle post by Randy_Marsh at Mar 20,2011 4:51pm

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 5:06pm
Hey xgodzillax... Go suck on your boyfriends cock. Gaybait...

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 20,2011 5:07pm

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 5:13pm
Hey nekrosnot... Dumping on people that you're friends with on your facebook, huh?

toggletoggle post by aaron_michael  at Mar 20,2011 5:15pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Hey xgodzillax... Go suck on your boyfriends cock. Gaybait...

At first this back-and-forth was entertaining, and after reading this awful attempt at a jab, I now just feel bad/embarrased.

Candy Striper dude, just let it go. Tossing out middle school style insults are only going to dig you deeper and deeper into the salty world of harrasement.
Think of it like a scab, the more you pick at it, the worse it's going to get.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 5:17pm
I'm not friends with him on facebook... He knows who I'm talking about.

toggletoggle post by TotenJuden at Mar 20,2011 5:24pm edited Mar 20,2011 5:26pm

toggletoggle post by nekronotshaver at Mar 20,2011 5:24pm
ITT: eric paone is a cry baby faggot

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 20,2011 5:24pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Hey nekrosnot... Dumping on people that you're friends with on your facebook, huh?

No, I was actually picking on you.

toggletoggle post by TotenJuden at Mar 20,2011 5:29pm

toggletoggle post by amorok666 at Mar 20,2011 5:30pm
Lol @ Facebook. Only not having Facebook is real.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 5:49pm

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 5:50pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]

Middle school called, they want their insults back

toggletoggle post by TotenJuden at Mar 20,2011 5:53pm
Seriously, brah?

toggletoggle post by amorok666 at Mar 20,2011 5:55pm
Yea seriously. Call him a pickle smoocher like an adult.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 5:57pm
I think it's Alexecutioner and Nekronaut that are trying to start shit between us, Summoning Hate and Untomed.

toggletoggle post by TotenJuden at Mar 20,2011 5:58pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
I think it's Alexecutioner and Nekronaut that are trying to start shit between us, Summoning Hate and Untomed.

I think it's you're a faggot.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 6:00pm
Spell much gaybait?

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 20,2011 6:01pm
aaron_michael said[orig][quote]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Hey xgodzillax... Go suck on your boyfriends cock. Gaybait...

At first this back-and-forth was entertaining, and after reading this awful attempt at a jab, I now just feel bad/embarrased.

Candy Striper dude, just let it go. Tossing out middle school style insults are only going to dig you deeper and deeper into the salty world of harrasement.
Think of it like a scab, the more you pick at it, the worse it's going to get.

It really is like arguing with a 7th grader. (Which, historically speaking, is very possible. In the Great Depression, many young schoolchildren had to leave school early to work on the family's dildo farm.)

toggletoggle post by bobnomaamrooney at Mar 20,2011 6:02pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
aaron_michael said[orig][quote]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Hey xgodzillax... Go suck on your boyfriends cock. Gaybait...

At first this back-and-forth was entertaining, and after reading this awful attempt at a jab, I now just feel bad/embarrased.

Candy Striper dude, just let it go. Tossing out middle school style insults are only going to dig you deeper and deeper into the salty world of harrasement.
Think of it like a scab, the more you pick at it, the worse it's going to get.

It really is like arguing with a 7th grader. (Which, historically speaking, is very possible. In the Great Depression, many young schoolchildren had to leave school early to work on the family's dildo farm.)

I heard Eric's first electric guitar was powered by a hand crank.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 6:02pm
Hey, it's the childmolester!! Glad you're back!!

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 6:03pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
I think it's Alexecutioner and Nekronaut that are trying to start shit between us, Summoning Hate and Untomed.

dude are you serious? first of all, im not racist. second of all, ive known Juan, Jose, and Diego from Untombed for 3 years now and have never had anything bad to say about them. stop instigating my involvement in a bunch of faggot troll threads that are not only unfunny, but completely fucked up to be saying those type of comments against friends of mine.

i was merely making fun of you for continously posting "Nekrosnot" as if that were an actual legitimate insult

grow the fuck up

toggletoggle post by TotenJuden at Mar 20,2011 6:03pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Hey, it's the childmolester!! Glad you're back!!

...and how old is your girlfriend?

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 20,2011 6:05pm edited Mar 20,2011 6:06pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
I think it's Alexecutioner and Nekronaut that are trying to start shit between us, Summoning Hate and Untomed.

Not the case at all. I talk shit to you logged in.

I would do the same to Summoning Hate and Untombed, but I have no problems with those dudes and have enjoyed playing with and/or seeing them on several occasions

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 20,2011 6:07pm
TotenJuden said[orig][quote]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Hey, it's the childmolester!! Glad you're back!!

...and how old is your girlfriend?


toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 6:10pm
Fuck you Alex... I don't believe it. I've known those guys a hell of a lot longer than you. You guys started this shit on the board. I talked to Milo and Alex today. And, they were just as pissed as I was when I read that crap!!

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 6:12pm
dude, fuck you. if i have something to say about you, i say it. but stop fucking trying to involve me in this bullshit. like i said, the dudes from Untombed and Summoning Hate are good friends of mine, stop trying to be a faggot and involve me in racist troll threads. ill call Juan myself if i need to clear up the fact that you are entertaining those kind of ideas

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 6:16pm
Go ahead and call him asshole!! I know that you and your faggot friends were behind it posting under my name. I saw that thread last night after our show with Juan and the guys... That post was put up around 12:30pm yesterday when I was out doing shit before the show.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 6:17pm
It's one thing dumping on people. But, starting in with race... What the fuck!!

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 6:23pm
So, who else was in on that bullshit thread?

toggletoggle post by aliens at Mar 20,2011 6:29pm

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 20,2011 6:31pm edited Mar 20,2011 6:35pm
My drummer is Mexican you piece of shit. Also, Davemonic was our drummer for a bit.. but it's no use arguring with you, it's not like anybody believes the shit you say

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Mar 20,2011 6:33pm edited Mar 20,2011 6:34pm
Dude, you are way out of line to be trying go involve with that. I was at a show of my own last night, taking care of my own business. I would have no reason to post anything bad about my own friends, let alone waste my time trolling your pathetic name

toggletoggle post by Randy_Marsh at Mar 20,2011 6:33pm
whole lotta wanna come at me bro in this thread

toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 20,2011 6:42pm
What's funny is the fact that notshavers band hasn't been around as long as candycane pole smoker, yet they play a shit ton of good shows that aren't pay to play. They also are the superior band.

Come at broseph and swallow your dentures.

Also, I've fucked some hideous bitches in my day, but I wouldn't even touch erics wildabeast with seth putnams dick...

toggletoggle post by Headbanging Man at Mar 20,2011 6:43pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
It really is like arguing with a 7th grader. (Which, historically speaking, is very possible. In the Great Depression, many young schoolchildren had to leave school early to work on the family's dildo farm.)

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "deep knee bends in the pickle patch"!! I guess SOMEONE has to be in charge of quality control though...

toggletoggle post by josh_hates_you  at Mar 20,2011 6:48pm
Hi Eric,

I have been postin on this site since 2004. I have read everyone of these posts by you, about you, trolling you etc. etc.

I personally have never joined in on the fun because honestly I just don't care. I have never even actually taken the time to listen to your band. From what I have heard it's actually decent thrash. I know Mike Justain filled in for a while and since he's a great drummer I doubt your band sucks as much as people make it out to.

That being said, you definitely act like a retard whenever possible, online at least. Maybe you are this dumb in everyday conversation but for the sake of those around you on a daily basis, I hope not. Like arrowhead said earlier or in a different thread even the slightest bit of humility would avoid most of this trolling. Learn to take a joke, learn to take constructive critisism, move on or forever be an internet meme.

Now it's your turn to call me a childish cocksucker who fucks his parents and prove my point.....

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 6:55pm
Fuck you guys... You guys and your dipshit friends on this board started this shit!! You went over the line when throwing race into the mix...

toggletoggle post by josh_hates_you  at Mar 20,2011 7:04pm
Alex is a standup dude who would troll your face. Doubt he started the racist thread, not sure which part of that you dont understand.

Mike Notshaver is a standup dude that would troll your face. Doubt he would start the racist thread, not sure which part of that you dont understand.

So by saying "you went over the line by throwing race into the mix" I have no idea who you mean by "you".

Your reading comprehension sucks.

They actually let you manage a store? "they" being whoever owns the store, not an anonymous person that you are trying to paint a face on.

toggletoggle post by reimroc at Mar 20,2011 7:04pm
DestroyYouAlot said[orig][quote]
TotenJuden said[orig][quote]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Hey, it's the childmolester!! Glad you're back!!

...and how old is your girlfriend?



I was totally wanting to make a Randy Daytona reference earlier.

toggletoggle post by ghost of hess at Mar 20,2011 7:05pm
Hail Hitler

Death to Candy Striper Death Orgy


toggletoggle post by reimroc at Mar 20,2011 7:07pm edited Mar 20,2011 7:07pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
Fuck you guys... You guys and your dipshit friends on this board started this shit!! You went over the line when throwing race into the mix...

dude first of all you're white, second of all TWO of the people who have been trolling you/as you recently are black.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 7:09pm
Hey josh hates you... For all I know you could've been in on it, too. Your friends aren't stand up guys by the way. They start shit and I respond. Troll my face? I don't think so. See, you're tough guys when you can hide behind a computer.

toggletoggle post by ghost of hess at Mar 20,2011 7:09pm
We believe that the Fuhrer is fulfilling a divine mission to German destiny! This belief is beyond challenge.

Death to Candy Striper Death Orgy!!!

Sieg Heil

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 7:11pm
O.k. show yourselves then... You know what I look like. I guess you just want to hide behind the keyboard.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 7:12pm
Nazi stuff now... Very funny.

toggletoggle post by josh_hates_you  at Mar 20,2011 7:17pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
O.k. show yourselves then... You know what I look like. I guess you just want to hide behind the keyboard.

you know what bands everyone is in. do some legwork. google that shit. you want to work to play but you want people to just hand you information? i dont get your line of thinking. at all.

toggletoggle post by josh_hates_you  at Mar 20,2011 7:21pm

also nazi stuff can be funny. the last one is just for you.

toggletoggle post by SUPER STORE 88 at Mar 20,2011 7:24pm


SS 88.

toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 20,2011 7:25pm
I don't like sitting around online 24/7 like a lot of you do. Plus, I'm too busy with work making money. Do you know what that's like? You probably don't have a job like a lot of other people on here.

toggletoggle post by SUPER STORE 88 at Mar 20,2011 7:28pm


SS 88.

toggletoggle post by douchebag_patrol at Mar 20,2011 7:30pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
I don't like sitting around online 24/7 like a lot of you do. Plus, I'm too busy with work making money. Do you know what that's like? You probably don't have a job like a lot of other people on here.


toggletoggle post by TotenJuden at Mar 20,2011 8:20pm
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
I don't like sitting around online 24/7 like a lot of you do.


toggletoggle post by IllinoisEnemaBradness at Mar 20,2011 9:04pm
Shouldn't CSDO be getting the line up together for a rager at the Bayside Expo Center? MELIAH RAGE!!!

toggletoggle post by Anonymous at Mar 20,2011 9:40pm
Hey Eric, I've run out of good gay porn to jack off to. Any reximmendationz?

toggletoggle post by divine intervention at Mar 20,2011 11:08pm
i think the most likely scenario here is that Eric actually did post all those threads bringing race into the mix and is just trying to blame in on rttp to make us look bad to everyone else!

toggletoggle post by sixstringcarnage   at Mar 20,2011 11:49pm
ArrowHeadNLI said[orig][quote]
Frank_Bass said[orig][quote]
Actually , I Joined the forum to post shows and find about metal and punk stuff going on. Came across this thread and thought it was silly, what did you join for?

I joined to make them stop picking on me at the Baystate Rock Forum.

Point being, you joined today, to post shows and learn about metal, but your one and only post is defending the most hated dildo here in a drama thread on a page full of show postings and such? And then the friend you're pretending to defend from a neutral perspective tells you "go get em Frankie boy"?

Yeah, not only are you a liar, you're a fucking retard for thinking we'd believe it. Go away, don't post here. You're just gonna get raped to shreds.

toggletoggle post by sixstringcarnage   at Mar 20,2011 11:56pm
TotenJuden said[orig][quote]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said[orig][quote]
I think it's Alexecutioner and Nekronaut that are trying to start shit between us, Summoning Hate and Untomed.

I think it's you're a TEXAS FAGGOT.

toggletoggle post by MillenialKingdom  at Mar 20,2011 11:59pm
Worst thread ever.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Mar 21,2011 12:39am


toggletoggle post by IllinoisEnemaBradness at Mar 21,2011 12:42am
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]



toggletoggle post by CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY at Mar 21,2011 7:13am
xgodzillax said[orig][quote]
Private%20Dick%20NLI said[orig][quote]
LOL @ Godzilla claiming to have a girlfriend.

fat dudes like me cant get girls, aint that right?

cool story bro

You don't have a girlfriend! You wish you had one though :( who the fuck would like to be with a deformed monster like you......

toggletoggle post by beef with broccoli at Mar 21,2011 7:49am
anyone else lol over how zilla draws sponsored links on facebook for free lunch and free donuts?

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Mar 21,2011 11:10am
lol @ CSDO guy and Fuck the Fire Department Pay2Play Queen finding solace in one another's RTTP blacklist status.

and a half lol half eye roll over the self re-assuring notion that we all work minimum wage jobs when every other thread is about IT careers.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 21,2011 11:49am
RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said[orig][quote]
late_rising said[orig][quote]
I blame Nachtmystium

toggletoggle post by eddie  at Mar 21,2011 1:46pm
this eddienli is not me

toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 21,2011 11:40pm

toggletoggle post by Wolfy at Mar 22,2011 12:48am

Two points before I go on watch,

1) Eric Paone is a stand up guy and I will personally submit a letter of reference to all interested parties. Of special note is the time when we were beset by pirates off the Barbary coast, and Eric stood fast beside me as our deck was cleared by enemy grapeshot. I was sore wounded, and Eric took me in his strong arms (he is an avid amateur ironsmith and bell maker) and we plunged together into the cold, salty sea, descending to the deeper levels where we were rescued by flower-like squidlephants.

2) As a wolf I am naturally attuned to certain biological frequencies, and I can say that CSDO and Eric Paone emit a harmonic resonance very similar to that of moose cock. Not the really hard, thick kind, more like a big log of polenta that was in the back of the refrigerator for like 5 weeks. This really came through on their first demo as well as the EP.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Mar 22,2011 8:48am
^Hahaha, holy fucking win^

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Mar 22,2011 8:58am
There you have it, folks. It was a good game but that grand slam is going to do it for the night. Drive safe, now.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Mar 22,2011 9:03am
cripes, that is one high camel rider.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Mar 22,2011 9:47am
m'eh. Making fun of his gf is kind of lame.

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Mar 22,2011 10:47am
congratulations on the most pathetic thread i've seen yet.

toggletoggle post by brodown at Mar 22,2011 12:00pm
I have NO idea why I just read all that. Big piles of fail all around.


toggletoggle post by CandyStriperDeathOrgy  at Mar 22,2011 12:05pm
The pic you used looks like Metal Matt Marchesi. Anyway, you people need to grow up and stop that trolling crap... Starting shit with my good friends in Summoning Hate and Untomed is totally lame... never mind fucking with me.

toggletoggle post by kelsey grammar at Mar 22,2011 12:13pm
you spelled UNTOMBED wrong.

toggletoggle post by Capital offense at Mar 22,2011 12:19pm
You failed to capitalize the first letter in your sentence. Go take a short walk off the high turret.

toggletoggle post by NuclearWinter at Mar 22,2011 12:22pm
Consult it:

toggletoggle post by xgodzillax  at Mar 22,2011 3:13pm
ITT: 50 year old failure defending his forgotten about in the 90s exodus rip off joke of a band, and manatee stunt double "girl" friend. Beastiality is illegal bro...

toggletoggle post by CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY at Mar 22,2011 3:19pm
I will fight you in Chinatown.

toggletoggle post by boxxy at Mar 22,2011 3:28pm
this dude complaining is lame... but this thread is lame too. boring.

toggletoggle post by xvannawhitex at Mar 22,2011 4:16pm
ITT: in a bid for status, societal rejects transfer their unhappiness and dissatisfaction laterally onto other, slightly different societal rejects. the world turns. on RTTP, waiting is.

Also: xgodzillax is in a band called the Mongoloid Hemorrhoids from Planet Trisomy 13 but he's totally the joke of the band because instead of being a member he is actually the mascot. ~permaburn~

toggletoggle post by CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY at Mar 22,2011 10:10pm
He's been a crying bitch ever since he got kicked out of in the shitz

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 23,2011 12:22am
It's one word INTHESHITZ, duh!

toggletoggle post by W3 nli at Mar 23,2011 12:52am
actually we changed our name to ZZZZZZZZZ.

toggletoggle post by nekronaut  at Mar 23,2011 12:57am
I approve.

toggletoggle post by Lecher nli at Mar 23,2011 1:30am
A fat mess fighting with a has-been? When did RTTP become fucking Ricki Lake?

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